Whenever you register to judge a BJCP competition you are usually given a choice to state any categories you would, or would not prefer to judge. I really have no preference as I enjoy most of the styles. I may, however, request not to do porters and stouts in the future, as I have been assigned to this category for the past 3 competitions. In the morning I got to judge Category 10 - American Pale Ale and American Amber Ales. In the afternoon I judged the aforementioned mixed Category 12/13 of Porters and Stouts. In that afternoon session, we had an American Stout which unfortunately ended up being a "gusher." This beer had a strong clove character, to the point I am almost wondering if it was intentional, and intended as a "Christmas stout." If that was not the case, than it was an unfortunate infection.
I have been wanting to start publishing some video based content to the blog, but I always forget to record something, or the recording is poor quality. Enough EXCUSES I say! I am going to start pushing out some video whether its ready or not. My hope is to be able to slowly learn/improve on editing and quality as I go - so go easy on this phone recorded video. This is a quick clip of opening a gusher at a competition. Occasionally this will happen at a competition and as judges we always request the 2nd bottle to give the entry a fair chance if there was just a single bad bottle. I had my friend a fellow judge of this beer, Ed, film opening the 2nd bottle.
I can't see the video :( It says it is private