Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Brew Thru #4 - Sink Video, BJCP Comp, Articles on Other Sites

Well, I haven't been doing too well in the blog frequency department have I? But quality over quantity right?

Brewery Updates

I installed the sink and ordered some of the parts for the ventilation.  I went with the Tjernlund M-6 6" fan which can pull a whopping 530 CFM of air and a variable speed control to go with it.  Hoping to get to installing this in the next couple of weeks and ideally brew my first batch on the new system by Memorial day at the latest. 

Video of the sink:

BJCP Judging and Test

I judged at the Spirit of Free Beer competition on April 17, and April 18, 2015.  I participated in both the Friday and Saturday judging sessions and there were some really great beers!  I got to judge Belgian Specialty, and American Ale (all American browns) categories on Friday night and the Specialty, and Pilsner categories on Saturday. 

I have said it before, but it needs to be repeated: When entering the specialty category only state "special" ingredients that are noticeable.  Often times I will get a beer in the specialty category that has the "kitchen sink" added to it and only one of those ingredients was noticeable compared to the base style.

Judging 40+ beers in two days is a lot of writing, but it is good preparation for the written BJCP Exam I am taking next month!  I am trying to study my butt off to and from work on the commuter train so I can hopefully get a high enough score to become a National judge.

Shegogue Brew Around the Web

I recently had a new article posted over at Homebrewtalk in regards to Recipe Development.  Be sure to let me know if  you develop and brew any "3-2-1" recipes.  Additionally, I wrote a textbook article on beer math which is good for beginning brewers looking to understand how to derive ABV, attenuation and gravities. 

Lastly, I had an article about dialing in your system posted over on Homebrew Academy

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